The Errai team is proud to announce the availability of Errai 3.0.0.CR1. We have finished our series of milestone releases, completed and hardened all planned features and are now getting ready for the 3.0.0.Final release (planned for the end of May).
Errai 3.0.0.CR1 contains stable versions of the new Errai Security and Errai Mobile modules. Relative to the last milestone release, this release also brings improved code splitting support in Errai IOC, development mode performance improvements and an improved Errai Forge Addon.
Check out the release notes for a full list of fixes and improvements and watch this space for more details as we're moving towards 3.0.0.Final. Please upgrade your projects and help us test and harden Errai 3.
Our project roadmap can be found here. We're always looking for feedback!
Please join us on Freenode #errai, the errai-dev mailing list, or on our community forums.
Happy coding!